Friday, December 07, 2007

Google my position

I am back...after a long hiatus!

Anyways, I don't think anyone missed me, but for those who do care (all 3 of them) - I was busy with - a career shift, some personal projects and in general busy coping with life. But, I hope to be back to regular blogging now.

So, getting to the trigger for the post - I downloaded the Google Map application on to my mobile. The attractive part was that it promised to indicate my location (or to be technically correct, my mobile's location) on the map. So, after downloading the application and struggling to install it, I eagerly tried it out. And after 4 whole minutes of "Installing...", "Loading..." and "Yes, dear - I will be right there for dinner..." messages - it finally displayed the location - Close to Rt 57 near Fort Payne. I was overjoyed - at last I can know where I am. Imagine the possibilities - I will never get lost, never asking for directions anymore, no more downloading maps, etc etc...

...and then someone pointed out that my location was incorrectly shown. There is no Rt 57 or Fort Payne near Mumbai!