Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Priyanka Bhotmange

Priyanka Bhotmange and her mother were brutally raped and her brothers were killed - in yet another example of the lawlessness that prevails in some parts of this country.

Krish has raised a very interesting question. I think the incident has not got the due publicity it deserves. Nobody is outraged at this gross injustice - most probably because the incident happened in a "relatively" remote area. We need to put sufficient pressure to ensure that justice is done in this case.

In fact, this is probably not an isolated case. There are probably many more unreported incidents of such injustice. This is yet another example of how the so called privliged sections are able to use the powers in their authority to brutally suppress the underprivliged sections.

I am ashamed to see that on one hand we claim to be the "next superpower" while indulging in such medieval acts of suppression. We cannot claim to be a democracy if we cannot implement basic law and order in each and every district in our country. In fact, the best way to ensure that such incidents do not occur again, is to ensure that the perpetrators are caught and punished as soon as possible.

I hope this is done before the politicians jump into the act, offering their "sympathies"!

You can get more details about the incident here and pictures of the incident here.

Update: Extreme uproar over the pictures... but wait a minute! they are not condemning the incident, only the fact that the pictures have been posted! Wow - talk about "missing the point"! Stupidity, it seems, is not restricted to the main stream media, but also afflicts the blogosphere denizens.


Anonymous said... doubt, stupidity is all over the place. But seriously, did you actually read my post? It did not strike you as condemnation? How about this?

''A massacre happened about a month back in a village just 800 kms away from Bombay. A Dalit woman was gang-raped and then brutally killed by the villagers who then proceeded to kill her three children. In a great post. Greatbong pointed out how such stories receive little media attention because the victims are poor and marginalized. Finally, the wheels of justice have begun to move and hopefully the perpetrators of such a dastardly crime will be brought to justice. The heightened media and blog attention can only help the cause.''

And well another blogger who has found the pictures offensive is Greatbong and you have actually linked to him! Since you said they, I hope you were not just referring to me. And finally, as I said about 20 times, I found one picture offensive, not all.

Along with stupidty, selective reading seems to be all over the place!

Boskoe said...


Noted your comment. Agree with you when you mentioned that I indulged in "selective reading", and apologize for that.

However, do note that the rant was not directed at you or GB or Gaurav specifically. I acknowledge that GB was among the first to actually post about the incident (and hence the link to his post). What I found disturbing was that there was way too much debate on whether the pictures (or as you mentioned, "the picture") should have been posted at all or not, and very little on the injustice that occurred or possible next steps. Compare this with the debate that occurred regarding Afzal Guru's death sentence - most of the posts argued for or against the sentencing, and most of them had very sane supporting arguments. Many posts did not get into personal attacks against each other, questioning their motives etc.

All I wanted to say was that the attention had shifted from the main point - and that was "how can we ensure justice for Priyanka?"

Anyways, as you mentioned in your post - enough said, time to move on!

Anonymous said...

Whether the pictures were offensive or not, they had to be shown. The striped, raped and murdered girl could only cry for justice thru those pictures only.

Only when the pictures came out that it caused such a stir. Else, we must note that the incident went almost unnoticed for over a month now!

I have a post with the pictures lambasting those who were crying hoarse over the publication of the same. Gaurav Sabnis must be particularly peeved because of his Marathi origins.

Boskoe said...

Beau Peep,

I agree with you that the pictures helped in generating the necessary uproar over the incident.

Gaurav had questioned Shivam's motives in publishing the pictures, without proper justification. Aren't you doing a similar thing (by mentioning that "Gaurav is peeved over his Marathi origins")? What justification do you have for that comment?